Thursday, June 22, 2023

"You Know Me Well"

No son of mine, Lord.
No son of mine!
Beat beat beat
You try to beat it out of me
Belt it out of me
Heartless heart
Beat beating
You think you can bruise me
Out of being
Bruise it out of me
When you belt it beat it
Try to break it-
Try to break the thing you cannot break
Because I carry it so deep inside
No beat of yours no belt of yours
Will ever come close.

You try to beat it out of me
Belt it out of me
Belt me into buckling
Beat me into heartstopping
Stop hurting
Trying so hard
You say you'll kill me to save me
Kill the me inside of me
Beat it belt it but it
Just won't budge.
Not for you.

I know
You can't stay in this room forever
I know
We can't stay in this room forever
You beat me belt me to get to me
But you'll never get to me
Not the me me heartbeat me.
I am saving it.

I am saving it for tonight
I am saving it for you right there
And you over there.
I am saving it for
Every you with a me deep inside.
Now that I've left that room
Out into the world as big
As a billion rooms
I have saved me
Yes, I have saved me
Constructed of words and hurt
And the glass self I've protected
All this time
To get to this one of a billion rooms
This room tonight.

Beat beat beat
I have found my own beat
My own pitter-patter
My own sis-boom-bah!
Beat beat beat
I belt it out

Song sung strong
Stung song
Tongue song
Back from being
Bitten back
Some songs sung
beg to be carried home.
This song sings
To be carried far and wide.
Beat beat beat-

The sound it brings
Is the sound of wings.

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