Ape and Essence
casts out fear; but conversely fear casts out love. And not only love.
Fear also casts out intelligence, casts out goodness, casts out all
thought of beauty and truth. What remains in the bum or studiedly
jocular desperation of one who is aware of the obscene Presence in the
corner of the room and knows that the door is locked, that there aren’t
any windows. And now the thing bears down on him. He feels a hand on his
sleeve, smells a stinking breath, as the executioner’s assistant leans
almost amorously toward him.
“Your turn next, brother. Kindly step this way.”
in an instant his quiet terror is transmuted into a frenzy as violent
as it is futile. There is no longer a man among his fellow men, no
longer a rational being speaking articulately to other rational beings;
there is only a lacerated animal, screaming and struggling in the trap.
For in the end fear casts out even a man’s humanity.
And fear, my
good friends, fear is the very basis and foundation of modern life. Fear
of the much touted technology which, while it raises our standard of
living, increases the probability of our violently dying. Fear of the
science which takes away the one hand even more than what it so
profusely gives with the other. Fear of the demonstrably fatal
institutions for while, in our suicidal loyalty, we are ready to kill
and die. Fear of the Great Men whom we have raised, and by popular
acclaim, to a power which they use, inevitably, to murder and enslave
us. Fear of the war we don’t want yet do everything we can to bring
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